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1.2. Dove trovare il manuale (e formati disponibili)

You can download or view the latest version of the Securing Debian Manual from the Debian Documentation Project. If you are reading a copy from another site, please check the primary copy in case it provides new information. If you are reading a translation, please review the version the translation refers to to the latest version available. If you find that the version is behind please consider using the original copy or review the to see what has changed.
If you want a full copy of the manual you can either download the text version or the PDF version from the Debian Documentation Project's site. These versions might be more useful if you intend to copy the document over to a portable device for offline reading or you want to print it out. Be forewarned, the manual is over two hundred pages long and some of the code fragments, due to the formatting tools used, are not wrapped in the PDF version and might be printed incomplete.
Nel pacchetto è contenuto il documento nei formati testo semplice, html e PDF. Notate, comunque, che il pacchetto potrebbe non essere del tutto aggiornato rispetto al documento fornito sul sito Debian (ma potrete sempre usare il pacchetto sorgente per compilarvi autonomamente una versione aggiornata).
This document is part of the documents distributed by the Debian Documentation Project. You can review the changes introduced in the document using a web browser and obtaining information from the version control logs online. You can also checkout the code using Git with the following call in the command line:
$ git clone